Technology is reshaping the way students (both secondary and tertiary) learn & operate, some might argue for the worse - but when utilized in the right way students can learn faster, funner & smarter.
Students can use AI to process & extract meaningful information from vast amounts of information, they can use novelty doc & collaboration tools that encourage the rehashing of their learnings into multimedia formats that work better for their learning styles, and most importantly the use of tech tools for students promotes ways of working and thinking that reflect real-world application.
If you are a student, or you have been, you know that managing workloads and absorbing massive amounts of information can be time-consuming and mind-numbing, so we've hand-picked tech tools to help you learn faster, funner & smarter.
🤖 Assistant by scite to get research-backed answers
🔎 Search Citation Statements
🗂️ Create a Dashboard
📊 Journals & Institution Metrics
📖 Visualize Research
✅ Reference Checks

💬 Interact with Any PDF
⚡️ Get Insights or Summarise
🌎 Any Language
✅ Cited Sources
🔒 Simple and Secure

🗂️ Notes, Docs & Outlines
⚡️ Smart Flashcards
📃 PDFs & Web Articles
🚀 Omnibar Menu
🌐 Works offline
😁 Unlimited Free Plan

✅ Write notes & to-do lists
🗂️ Upload images & files
⭐️ Save text, images & links from the web
⚡️ Add notes & photos from your phone
🖼️ Organize visually
🚀 Collaborate with your team

Research Rabbit
🔎 Intuitive Exploration
🎁 Personalized Recommendations
🔮 Powerful Visualizations
🧠 Connected Research
👋 Non-Spammy Alerts
🌐 Sharing and Collaboration
🔗 Zotero Integration
📝 Discover Authors

✍️ Highlight Search
💬 Topics
🗂️ Advanced Filtering
🚀 Fast and efficient referencing
🔮 Similar articles
📚 Smart bookmarks

🚀 Browser Extension for Chrome
📝 Forms, Charts & Whiteboards
🌐 Custom domain & connected processes
👀 Customizable Views
🤝Collaborative Documents
💽 Documents & entity sharing
🗂️ Smart folders & Permissions

🔧 No-code builder
📊 Databases
🗂️ Templates
🚀 Widgets
✅ Tables, Kanbans & Galleries
🏁 Off-line speed

✅ Scientifically-Verified Results
⚡️ Quick Analysis
🔒 Completely Ad-Free
📚 Database of 200m+ Papers
🗂️ Save Lists of Searches & Papers
💬 GPT-4 Powered Summaries

🚀 Built for speed
🌐 Networked notes
🎁 iOS app
🔐 End-to-end encryption
📅 Calendar integration
📚 Publishing
📸 Instant capture
🔎 Frictionless search

💭 Whiteboards & mindmaps
✅ Kanbans & lists
📝 Notes & journals
🔗 Visualize connected blocks
🗂️ Topics & heirarchies
🤝 Bi-directional linking
📥 Pull PDF highlights & annotations

🤖 AI Autocomplete
🔗 In-text Citations
💬 Paraphrase & Rewrite
🗂️ Generate From Your Files
📑 Chat to your PDFs
📝 Outline Builder
🗣️ Custom Styles & Tones
📚 Research Library

📝 Block-based editing
💬 Messenger integrations
🌐 Media of all types
✅ Task management
🚀 Custom content types
🗂️ Contextual backlinks
💡 Tagging & block linking
📕 Sharing & PDF export

🔎 Semantic Similarity Search
⌨️ Precision Keyword Matching
📘 Abstract Summaries
📌 Customisable Paper Views
⭐️ Study Type Filtering
💾 Save & Export Citations