🔗 Post from your favorite tools
🚀 1 click summaries
🔎 Powerful search & filtering
💬 Broadcast to Slack
🔒 Private streams
🔔 Weekly reminders
Everything to collaborate on work-in-progress. Current is packed with well-designed, intuitive features that integrate with your existing tools.
Work happens all over the place
Getting an overview of what’s happening is next to impossible. With Current, you no longer have to dig through Slack messages, get lost in Figma files, or hunt through emails to see what your team is working on.
Current lets you see it all in one feed
Current integrates with the tools your team uses to get work done, and gives you a unified feed to share and view updates. All work in Current is organized into specific work streams, and easily searchable.
Each week gets summarized and shared, automatically
At the end of each week, our AI-powered newsletter—“The Weekly Drop”—creates a summary of all the updates your team shared in a format that’s concise and easy to consume.
Post Figmas, Looms, Images, Videos, and more
Current have first-class support for Figma and Loom urls. For all other link types, they'll unfurl generically.
Use "Streams" to keep your workspace organized
Streams are the primary way to organize your posts in Current. You can use them for project names, team or squad names, roadmap initiatives—it's up to you! They function like tags, but have a few other properties that make them more useful. You can follow streams to curate your home feed, add a description and bookmarks to provide additional context, or create private streams for secret projects.
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