Inbox Zero
![Inbox Zero](
🔐 Privacy first
⚡️ Automate your inbox
🤖 AI Assistant
🧽 Newsletter Cleaner
🛑 Cold Email Blocker
📊 Inbox Analytics
✅ Open Source
Approved by Google. Open Source. See exactly what their code does. Or host it yourself.
Inbox Zero has undergone a thorough security process with Google to ensure the protection of your emails. You can even self-host Inbox Zero on your own infrastructure.
Your AI assistant for email
Keep getting emails that require the same response? Let Inbox Zero handle it.
- Automate your replies: Inbox Zero's AI agent will reply, forward, or archive emails based on the rules you provide it.
- Planning mode: Let Inbox Zero's AI plan what to do for you. Accept or reject in a click. Turn on full automation once you're confident the AI can work on its own.
- Instruct in plain English: It's as easy as talking to an assistant or sending a prompt to ChatGPT.
Clean up your subscriptions
See all newsletter and marketing subscriptions in one place. Unsubscribe in a click.
- One-click unsubscribe: Don't search for the unsubscribe button. Unsubscribe with a single click or auto archive emails instead.
- See who emails you most: See who's sending you the most marketing and newsletter emails to prioritise who to unsubscribe from.
- How often they email: View analytic charts to see how often you get emails from certain senders to take action.
Automatically block cold emails
Stop the spam. Automatically archive or label cold emails.
- Block out the noise: Automatically archive or label cold emails. Keep your inbox clean and focused on what matters.
- Adjust cold email prompt: Tell Inbox Zero what constitutes a cold email for you. It will block them based on your instructions.
- Label cold emails: Automatically label cold emails so you can review them later. Keep your inbox clean and focused on what matters.
Understand your inbox
Understanding your inbox is the first step to dealing with it. Understand what is filling up your inbox. Then figure out an action plan to deal with it.
- Who emails you most: Someone emailing you too much? Figure out a plan to handle this better.
- Who you email most: If there's one person you're constantly speaking to is there a better way for you to speak?
- What type of emails you get: Getting a lot of newsletters or cold emails? Try automatically archiving and labelling them with Inbox Zero's AI.
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